Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why Recessions are not the Best Times to Marry

  1. You dunno when your partner is kicked out of the job and the poverty line seems attainable.
  2. You dunno the real income of your partner till better times- adjusting the inflation figures to recession situations are not a good idea!!
  3. Bullion markets are on a high- so you can never satisfy your in-laws with gold. ;) (Besides, why lose out on something like more gold when the prices are low?)
  4. If you get married during a recession and have kids during a boom, by the time they are 4-5 years, we'll reach another recession- could reduce the generation gap...

The other day someone sent a sms "The recession has struck so bad that women are now marrying for love." Here's earnestly hoping that you girls (n yaa boys too), know what to do with it!!


stinky said...

gud excuse to maary aftr ur masters

ad libber said...

good excuse to marry now