Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Confusion?? Errr... not really!!

"no, just awfulyl sad
its like
you want to be a criminal suppose
and then you meet someone
adn all ambition goes to hell
and all you want is to have six kids with him
the eternal topic of you have met the hero, and the hero gets the girl"

Now that's what our dear miss ad-libber said while having a chat with me!! Who says only guys are despos?? Seems like am "still" on the other side of the planet when i meet such "desperate girls". Wonder of wonders they call me despo at college!! Seems it's an opposite world.. am happy with 1 guy and am a despo.. these girls romance 3 guys under the moonlight and don't fall in love!! If Deepanjan is reading this, i want an explanation sir!!!

1 comment:

ad libber said...

It was not about desperate. It was about true lover. Roamnce killer kotha kare